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Kim Smith's Recent Galleries

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08-Jul-2024 01:34
Some Newfoundland and Labrador Shots
Some Newfoundland and Labrador Shots
29-Apr-2024 02:03
Gulls, Terns, Skimmers & Jaegers
Gulls, Terns, Skimmers & Jaegers
27-Apr-2024 03:06
Jays & Crows
Jays & Crows
27-Apr-2024 02:49
Geese, Swans & Ducks
Geese, Swans & Ducks
27-Apr-2024 02:39
17-Mar-2024 03:05
Some Recent Shots
Some Recent Shots
17-Mar-2024 03:03
Blackbirds, Orioles & Meadowlarks
Blackbirds, Orioles & Meadowlarks
17-Mar-2024 03:01
Kingfishers & Woodpeckers
Kingfishers & Woodpeckers
27-Feb-2024 19:47
Towhees, Sparrows, Juncos & Longspurs
Towhees, Sparrows, Juncos & Longspurs
10-Feb-2024 06:15
Diurnal Birds of Prey
Diurnal Birds of Prey
09-Feb-2024 03:16
Chickadees, Titmice & Nuthatches
Chickadees, Titmice & Nuthatches
19-Nov-2023 22:48
Chickenlike Birds
Chickenlike Birds