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LD Love's Recent Galleries

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28-Apr-2021 14:57
Colorado Birding 2021
:: Colorado Birding 2021 ::
01-Mar-2019 20:40
Japan Fall of 2018
:: Japan Fall of 2018 ::
18-Jul-2018 20:13
Alaska Birding 2018
:: Alaska Birding 2018 ::
05-May-2016 14:29
South Texas Birding 2016
:: South Texas Birding 2016 ::
05-Jan-2016 21:04
Birds of New England
:: Birds of New England ::
20-Jul-2015 21:02
Arizona Birding 2015
:: Arizona Birding 2015 ::
31-Mar-2015 20:42
Costa Rica 2015 :  Pura Vida!
:: Costa Rica 2015 : Pura Vida! ::
19-Oct-2014 21:51
Davis Noble guest photos
:: Davis Noble guest photos ::
02-Sep-2014 01:45
Eric and Alison Wedding Ceremony
:: Eric and Alison Wedding Ceremony ::
08-Nov-2013 17:55
City of Rouen
:: City of Rouen ::
07-Nov-2013 16:30
Honfleur Waterfront
:: Honfleur Waterfront ::
07-Nov-2013 15:40
City of Bayeux
:: City of Bayeux ::