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lejun's Recent Galleries

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07-Aug-2024 20:09
Hypagyrtis Moth Variants (6654 & 6655)
Hypagyrtis Moth Variants (6654 & 6655)
29-Jul-2024 21:54
U.S. MOTHS:  Epiplemidae - Noctuidae:Catocalinae
U.S. MOTHS: Epiplemidae - Noctuidae:Catocalinae
29-Jul-2024 21:42
U.S. MOTHS:  Thyrididae - Geometridae:Lithostege
U.S. MOTHS: Thyrididae - Geometridae:Lithostege
29-Jul-2024 21:27
U.S. MOTHS:  Pre-Pyraloid - Phycitinae-Peorinae
U.S. MOTHS: Pre-Pyraloid - Phycitinae-Peorinae
27-Jul-2024 14:25
Crane Flies
Crane Flies
27-Jul-2024 14:06
US MOTHS:  Noctuidae:Catacola - Amphipyrinae
US MOTHS: Noctuidae:Catacola - Amphipyrinae
13-Jul-2024 19:45
Barn Swallows
Barn Swallows
13-Jul-2024 15:24
Leaf-footed Bugs
Leaf-footed Bugs
12-Jul-2024 20:03
Lacewings, Antlions, Owlflys, and their relatives
Lacewings, Antlions, Owlflys, and their relatives
06-Jul-2024 17:03
Vultures and Condors
Vultures and Condors
30-Jun-2024 20:30
  Cecropia Moth (7767)
Cecropia Moth (7767)
30-Jun-2024 18:17
Swallows and Swifts
Swallows and Swifts