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Evan Yap's Recent Galleries

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29-Mar-2015 13:56
Chiangrai, Thailand
Chiangrai, Thailand
06-Aug-2014 03:48
10-Mar-2008 02:35
Random Pictures
Random Pictures
24-Oct-2007 05:05
14-Sep-2007 15:43
Visiting Mitraphap Slum, Khon Kaen
Visiting Mitraphap Slum, Khon Kaen
17-May-2007 14:57
KKCS- ACS(I) Exchange Programme
KKCS- ACS(I) Exchange Programme
01-Apr-2007 10:32
Christian Children's Camp 2007
Christian Children's Camp 2007
05-Feb-2007 08:24
Teaching in Khon Kaen Christian School
Teaching in Khon Kaen Christian School
15-Jul-2006 00:30
Volunteer's Retreat in Chaiyaphum province
Volunteer's Retreat in Chaiyaphum province
15-Apr-2006 15:04
Songkran Festival in Bangkok and Khon Kaen
Songkran Festival in Bangkok and Khon Kaen
17-Jan-2006 16:23
Pictures of School Events
Pictures of School Events
28-Nov-2005 02:57
Juan Boon and Gillian's Wedding
Juan Boon and Gillian's Wedding